These two sand dollars seem to have reunited with each other on the beach like special friends never wanting to part.

The wonder of infinite wisdom and thoughts of ever-expanding consciousness are the gifts within this golden lotus.

The Olive shell is one of my favorites. I love its smooth shiny surface and the soft spotted pattern that seems to emerge from inside. This was among the first shells I found on North Padre Island Beach when first moving to Corpus Christi, Texas.

Seashore watercolor by Carolyn Utigard Thomas

Unicorns bring merry hearts and light spirits with thoughts of purity and idealism. Allow the ideals born in youthful innocence to reemerge in our busy lives.

Seashore watercolor by Carolyn Utigard Thomas

Nature watercolor by Carolyn Utigard Thomas

This artwork represents claiming your power and speaking your truth with love. Watercolor by Carolyn Utigard Thomas

Nature watercolor by Carolyn Utigard Thomas

Nature watercolor by Carolyn Utigard Thomas

Nature watercolor by Carolyn Utigard Thomas

These twin flower fairies hold a lovely rose between them representing the unique bond they share. We can celebrate and sustain our own special relationships with recognition, kind words and caring attention.

Dragonflies bring thoughts of manifestation and transformation. Tune in to the powerful magic of joyous attention to your true desires, and attract the highest good into your life.

A soft breeze wafts through the garden while magical dragonflies dart in the air. Let your heart be light as you delight in the rainbow of soft colors around this delicate spring fairy.

Enjoy the transformation of the earth at this magical season. Witness the miracles of rebirth and regeneration. Let us embrace and revel in the cycles of our own lives, trusting in the ultimate benevolence of the universe.

Soar with freedom and joy.

She dwells in the world of plants and trees where dragonflies dart and play. Rest in her loving energy and let her inspire you to see and feel the magic of nature.